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Tuesday May 9th - LG / LN

Hi Tuesday Ladies,

BIG welcome to our new member Wendy Fortune. Looking forward to playing with you Wendy!

Please plan on attending our AGM after golf next Tuesday May 9th. We will be chatting about a lot of new and fun events. Attached is our agenda and a copy of the minutes from our 2022 AGM.

Our Ringer board starts on Tuesday. If you have questions about that we will be discussing it at our AGM.

Our game for Tuesday May 9th is Low Gross/Low Net. It is a regular game of play with handicaps. No gimmies.

Low Gross - please record the exact number of strokes played on each hole as well as the total gross score

Low Net - please record your handicap on the card and deduct your handicap from the total gross score to calculate your total Net Score which also needs to be recorded on the card.

I hope you have seen the info. sheet about the International Women's Day in Golf event planned for Tuesday June 6th. Pat Cracknell and Muriel McIntrye have worked hard to organize this and I am sure it will be a fantastic event. I understand that it is a fun shotgun format starting at 2pm with dinner and carts included. Our Tuesday league game for June 6th will be Putt for Points which is less structured (and less stressful) and all of us should be done in plenty of time to participate in our league as well as the Women's Day event if you wish. I am going to do both league and the Women's Day celebration that day and I am hopeful that many of you will join me.

Hit 'em long and straight,


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