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Ladies League Opening Day!

Updated: Apr 16, 2023

Hi Tuesday Ladies,

Special welcome to our two new members - Pat Cracknell and Linda Jones. BIG WELCOME Pat and Linda!!

Yeah!! Our league opening day is set for Tuesday April 18th. Our wonderful Summerland ProShop staff have 7 tee times for us from 9:30 am to 10:15am.

Our sign up sheets for the 18th will be posted in the Ladies Locker room by April 11th. If you are unable to get up to the course to sign up please call the Prohop before noon on Monday April 17th to reserve your spot. It will be great to see everyone again!

Our game for Tuesday April 18th will be Stableford. Regular game of play with handicaps. Please mark score cards with the # of handicap strokes a player qualifies to subtract from their Gross score. For example a 25 handicap deducts 1 stroke for all 18 holes plus an extra stroke is deducted for 7 of the hardiest handicap holes (18 + 7 = 25).

Please record 3 numbers for each player for every hole on the score card:

1. Gross - enter number of strokes played

2. Net - subtract the handicap strokes from gross score

3. Stableford Points earned from the NET score

Net Bogey = 1 point

Net Par = 2 points

Net Birdie = 3 points

Net Eagle = 4 points

Please turn your neat and fully completed cards into Marie after your round.

Watch your email for news on the 2023 Chardonnay Cup Match Play event as well as a Tuesday Morning Ladies League membership invitation.

Fairways and Greens!

Summerland Ladies Golf League

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